mae ng


based in sydney, australia, when i'm not hunting for the chillest brunch places on the weekends, i'm designing and making my own prints and merch. on all other days, i juggle work, gaming, films and anime.


2024 markets and conventions

  • OCTOBER kaiga pop-up aa

  • DECEMBER singapore comic con



  • AUGUST animaga melbourne

  • JUNE supanova sydney

  • MAY doujima (sg)

  • APRIL supanova gold coast (au)

  • MARCH the games expo (mel au)

  • FEBRUARY momotines (syd au)

2023 conventions

  • overload (nz)

  • doujima (sg)

  • supanova sydney (au)

  • smash!con (au)

  • sydney ozcc (au)

  • animaga (au)